You may be wondering about these issues:
- "I cannot understand how young people are feeling as we don't have drinking and talking time after 5:00"
- "My subordinates seem to be frank at first glance, but it's hard to guess what they really think"
- "My subordinates don't talk to me about what they want and expect of me."
PGM: PARTNERSHIP GROWING MASTERS-MANAGEMENT is designed to help managers learn skills to motivate your subordinates by analyzing tendencies of personal conflicts based on Personal Style Theory.
Expected Results
You will be able to:
- Understand your subordinates' needs and expectations more clearly
- Establish trustworthy relationships with your staff so that problems can be discussed and solved smoothly
- Understand each one of your subordinate's working and time management style
- Motivate and guide your subordinates more effectively
- Support your subordinates to solve problems smoothly, and, as a result, increase the productivity of the workplace.
Who should take this course?
- Participants: Managers, anybody who has to manage somebody else.
- Number: 20 per class
- Period: 2 days
We would like you to take the Personal Style Survey before the course. Results of the self-diagnosis and survey of five people near you will be used as feedback in the classroom.
Follow-up tools
After taking the course, you will be able to study by yourself using the PSD (Personal Style Recognition) tool through your mobile phone or PC.
Course Program
Day 1 | |
9:00 | 1. Orientation
2. Expressing behaviors objectively
17:00 | 3. Making actions with another person
Day 2 | |
9:00 |
17:00 | 4. Human relationship based on partnership